One fullfilling month of Fräulein (ohne Else) at Vorarlberger Landestheater is coming to an end. I am happy to announce that Fräulein (ohne Else) is nomminated for the Stella Award and we will be able to perform in October 22 in Vienna. At Bregenz we will also dance and act our piece again. Save September and November 2022 for us! Dates will be visible here.
And also one nice note…. I am starting again to work at the wonderful Vorarlberger Landestheater as a guest the coming season.
REALLY PROUD to be part of this team and work as a choreographer and dancer in „Nora“.
At the moment I am working on a new piece about Tango and Buenos Aires with Anselm Hartmann and Monica Tarcsay with the great Caminos Nuevos @Theater Kosmos . You can see us there on the 2nd of June with „TANGO – eine unmögliche Erinnerung“ – More Infos you find here.
In June finally I am coming back to Vienna and Carinthia and I am glad to dance with wonderful Leonie Humitsch in July and August at Millstatt.
Meanwhile the rehersals for „scale me“ with Ula Lazauskaite are ongoing and we will be at Liechtenstein in September.
Because my homepage is teasing me still you didn´t here a lot about it – but there will come more details.
In Sepbtember there are many things happening. You can see us also at „Performance Brunch“ with a short episode of Souvenir – so who missed it – there is your last chance to see a part of it!
Still nice to mention. „Alles nur Lemminge“ will be here in Vorarlberg. FINALLY! YES. November 22!
Hope I didn´t miss something!?
But wanted to make some update since my homepage didn´t work and also I am not able to fill in the dates. Sarah and me will work on it – I promise!
picture up… from wonderful Sarah Mistura